Schwartz Reliance Insurance is an independent insurance brokerage agency that carries some of the best coverage options in the entire New USA.

Our Contacts

300 10th Street Lethbridge, AB T1J2M6

(403) 320-1010

Working Hours

9.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 5.00
8.00 - 4.00
Schwartz Reliance Insurance offers the best motor vehicle registration services online. Contact our professionals to get the finest vehicle registration solutions in Lethbridge, Alberta.
Alberta Driver Exam
Simple easy way to book your driver exam
Auto Renewal
Sign up, complete your profile and have peace of mind that your vehicle registration will be automatically renewed.
E-Reminder Service
You can sign up for email or text message reminders 6 weeks before you drivers license, vehicle registration or corporate registry is due. You must have signed up for this service to do the Express Renew.
Express Renewals

Less than 15 days until expiry of registration. We renew it here in the office and you must attend the office to pick it up but there is no waiting as you have already paid for it. You must be signed into E-reminder services t do this service.

Auto Renewal

“In a hurry to renew your vehicle registration? Save time and renew online, start by clicking here”

Online Searches

Lien Search – Find out if a vehicle you are looking at buying has a lien and who it is with before you buy it. Corp Search – Easy way to obtain names and address of a corporations directors & shareholders and where to send legal documents.

Vehicle Information Report

Find out what it’s status is in Alberta, where is was last registered and if is has a lien on it but not with who.

Driver’s Licence Renewals

Renew your driver’s licence online. You will receive your new driver’s licence card in the mail in approximately 10-14 days.

Identification (ID) Card Renewals

Renew your ID card online. You will receive your new ID card in the mail in approximately 10-14 days.